Our philosophy

Accompany management challenges and human relations and enhance them by reaching for the sky and striving for performance and sustainability

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We are experts in human and collective development processes. With our extensive backgrounds we provide twofold expertise (profession/sector & human development process) so that we can visualise your goals together with you and plan the steps towards your success.

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We know how to operate at all levels of companies (organisation, group, individual) with the most appropriate operating methods (consulting, coaching, training, etc.). Our experience enables us to be able to incorporate approaches and methods and use our past experience to give the most comprehensive vision possible.

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We are constantly in monitoring mode so as to be as close as possible to new ways of working and accompany our clients towards adopting the work skills and behaviour of tomorrow. The cloud, digital technology, connected objects and artificial intelligence require dynamics, the agility of the company and individual agility.


Relationship dynamics

The efficiency of relationship systems as a vector of the commitment and resilience of organisations.

Management stance

Fundamental soft skills, agility of practices and transformation of management for the company of tomorrow

The approach through forces

Positive Psychology, to develop everyone’s talents and the performances of teams.


We especially use the Systems approach to relationship systems from the ORSC™ (Organization & Relationship Systems Coaching) school, for which BIRDS Conseil exclusively distributes this training programme in France. All BIRDS coaches are ORSC™ systems practitioners. 

Discover the ORSC program!

Birds way - Approches systèmes ORSC - BIRDS Coaching et Formation
Birds way - Approche intégrative - BIRDS Coaching et Formation


With our various training programmes and certifications, we have a wide range of tools and support methods at our disposal. This diversity enables us to have a special approach for each of our clients and be as receptive as possible to their needs and issues by using the right tool at the right time. We do this by using the most appropriate solution- and results-focused approaches.


We work on your context, your strengths and your risk areas. We recognize the principle that ‘we all have in us the resources that we need to enable us to reach our goals’. This is why our process feeds on every experience and is constantly changing. We adopt a stance and code of ethics that enable your individual resources and collective intelligence to emerge.

Birds way - intelligence collective - BIRDS Coaching et Formation

Do you want to discuss your issues with one of our coaches? 

We offer you a free discovery meeting! 


What drives us is developing potential, having fun and transforming our world. We respond to the needs of managers, first and foremost in their quest for performance, and we optimize their relationships to provide them with a clear professional vision.

In this video, discover our business, our method and our tools to support you in your transformation needs.


A code of ethics that is shared and signed by all the BIRDS Coaches, relying on the professional bodies EMCC, ICF and AICC-HEC.

  • Confidentiality
  • Non-judgement & empathy
  • Reliability & punctuality
  • Open-mindedness, being in the here and now
  • Free exchange of opinion